
If you fancy other food inspirations, visit the following celebrity chefs' sites.

Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver made quite a name for himself with his public school menu revamp show a few years back. He's still working with schools, and you can enjoy other recipes on his blog, as well as some great ideas - opening your own Jamie Oliver business?

Jamie Oliver

Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray has become more than cooking -she's a household name that represents a certain lifestyle. If you haven't watched her show or read her magazine, then try out her website and blogs - "Rach" covers everything from food to pets.

Rachael Ray

Bobby Flay

JChef Bobby Flay is the grill meister! You can learn how he cooks on the grill and what tools, foods, and recipes he uses if you visit his blog. Catch up on news about his television appearances and about his restaurants, too.

Bobby Flay